My wife also a big Matchbox 20/Rob Thomas fan. I saw him do a solo show years ago, probably 10ish and it was honestly one of the better shows. I know he gets lumped into the blob of late 90s bands with similar names, but he's a really talented dude.

I saw Sugar Ray with Orgy at my college freshman year. They were the headliner and went on something like 60-90 minutes late. Supposedly they got too high when getting something to eat before the show and couldn't find the arena.

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That's hilarious - that we "couldn't find the arena!" I wish that were true, probably would have made for a better story. I remember the tour very well, I kept a journal going. I don't know what city/school yours was but yeah, it would not take us 90 minutes to find the place. At those places, we were always there the day before or the morning of.. so I have no idea what was going on in that city. You'd have to tell me the place and maybe I could reconnect the memory.

I recollection was that we were really good at being on time on stage - we were almost phobic about it.. we had a countdown we'd do with our TM (tour manager) backstage, and it was a process of how we did it every night.

That tour was a lot of fun cause we were friends with Jay, Ryan, Amir, and the guys from Orgy. And we had songs on the radio so it was a very busy crazy time and we played a lot and a lot and a lot.

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Ha, too funny. Really enjoyed the podcast today. It was at Grand Valley State University in west Michigan, late april of 1999. It may have been 4/20 but I am not positive on that. That was a while ago.

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I think I journaled from that day. I’ll have to go look it up. I think it was super cold at the time. I might even have a photo from me posing outside freezing that day…

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17Author

According to ConcertArchives.org, the concert was part of MTV's Campus Invasion and took place April 21, 1999. Jeff, you were close!

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April 21 wouldn't be freezing.. I'll have to look it up

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