Episode 110: The One About Fancy Bathrooms

Episode 110: The One About Fancy Bathrooms

A troubling text, step-friends, a night out, and 'drunk' News of the Weird

Cold Open Question of the Week: Where’s the nicest (or fanciest) place you’ve pooped?

NOT TOO FANCY: A bathroom with six-foot ceilings? Only if he’s 6’3”.

We are still looking for sponsors for our podcast! We had 113 downloads on Monday alone! If you have a small, local business in Northeast Pennsylvania or Pinellas County, Fla., let us hear from you to see how we can help promote your business.

The Text That Nearly Gave Brian a Heart Attack: Brian received the following text from Gary on Friday night, putting him in a straight-up panic:

  • Has Gary ever sent, been sent, or misinterpreted a text message?

Family Fishing Derby: Another great success. Beautiful weather after a solid week of rain, including Debby.

Trump Arrives Saturday: Gary’s not the only big name coming to NEPA this weekend. Former President Donald J. Trump will be holding a rally at Wilkes-Barre’s Casey Plaza on Saturday at 4 p.m.

Watch TheBrianLennonShow with Gary McDaniel on Substack:

The Tournament: Gary is joining Brian, Bob, and John this weekend to play in the 9th Annual Christopher Lewis Memorial Golf Tournament. The forecast is calling for some rain.

Step-Friends: Brian read a post this past weekend by Substack’s

, and she discussed having “step-friends.” She defines them as “those friends of friends who are people you like but wouldn’t necessarily call friends of your own.” Do you have any step-friends?

The Adult Gap Year: Or an “early mini-retirement” years, is where you travel, take up hobbies, etc. Do it now, instead of when you’re 70 and are battling health conditions, decreased mobility, etc. Could this be a thing?

Almost Famous at Cheap Shots: Friend and past podcast guest,

of That’s Enough Outta You, will be debuting with his new band, Almost Infamous, on Saturday night at 8:30 p.m. Brian and Gary plan on being in the building for some music and brews.

Gary’s ‘Drunk’ News of the Weird: Meth or Treat; See you later, Alligator!

Brian’s Frequently Consistent Early Weekend Bedtimes: Two Fridays ago: 8:30 p.m. Last Saturday: 7:30 p.m. Can he stay awake this Saturday?

New CEO for Starbucks: The company taps Chipotle’s leader to take over for the struggling chain of high-priced coffee. Is Gary a Starbucks guy?

Adam Carolla joins Substack: The Man Show comedian

joins the podcast platform that Brian and Gary blazed the trail for more than two years ago. They discuss the impact of “established” writers and entertainers taking to the platform.

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Discussion about this podcast

Brian Lennon and co-host Gary McDaniel discuss a range of current topics and catch-up with friends.